Effective Controllers Know When to Push Back

The controller role is as complex as it gets. Controllers need to consolidate data from multiple sources to essentially predict the future. They then use those forecasts to make decisions that can have long term consequences for the organization. They do this within the constraints of regulations and laws, among other factors. Given the complexity of this role, MRG recently conducted a study to determine which leadership behaviors are most important for controller effectiveness.

The results of this study indicated that controller effectiveness was inversely related to deference to authority. This suggests an advantage to being more selective about when to defer to organizational norms and authority figures. While this role requires adherence to specific norms and regulations, it is also important for controllers to be willing to challenge some norms and push back when it matters.

Find out what other leadership behaviors are associated with controller effectiveness here.

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About the author

Maria is Head of Research at MRG. She loves a challenge and often gets a little too excited about running new studies. She finds peace and balance by cooking (as long as her husband is doing the cleaning) or being anywhere near the ocean.

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