Inspiration, research, real-world experience - you need them all to develop people, and you'll find them all on the MRG blog. Welcome to the conversation.

Workplace Conflict: What happens when motivations collide?

By on Thursday, February 4, 2021

Workplace conflict. Everyone has faced it at some point. When we are struggling to work with someone, we are often tempted to attribute the fault to the other person. Our brains are more or less wired to assume that we are usually doing the right thing, and when others deviate from our expectations or standards, […]

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Webinar Wrap-Up: Highlights of Research on Timely Topics

By on Monday, February 1, 2021

Looking for answers? Jump straight to the Q&A with our experts here. Some coaches can spend hours poring over the latest research, diving into every detail in the data. Others prefer to glance at the highlights and move on. Most are probably somewhere in between. But even when time is limited, it’s wise to invest […]

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Conflict Resolution: Motivation as the Missing Piece of the Puzzle

By on Thursday, January 21, 2021

Workplace conflict is not uncommon, but it also may not be obvious. The word “conflict” may call to mind sharp words or raised voices, but it often takes on subtler forms: undermining a colleague; dismissing someone’s ideas without sufficient consideration; avoidance; even just the emotional and mental exhaustion people experience when working alongside someone who […]

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Selecting the Right Tools for the Job

By on Thursday, January 7, 2021

Part of finding your groove as a coach or consultant is finding your go-to tools: the familiar, reliable assessment instruments that you know inside and out – that you know get the job done just the way you want. There’s a fine line, though, between a groove and a rut. Sometimes we form such deeply […]

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A Time to Reflect; a Time to Begin Anew

By on Friday, January 1, 2021

What does it mean when we transition from one year to the next? A chance to make way for new beginnings. An opportunity to reset. A time to reflect and take stock. A time for resolutions. A chance to begin again. But of course, transitioning from 2020 to 2021 is a vastly different transition to […]

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Putting the “I” in Team: How to Incorporate Individual Data in Group Coaching

By on Monday, December 14, 2020

Shared leadership and group development work have emerged in recent months as some of the most in-demand topics in our coaching community. That’s hardly surprising. In this uniquely stressful and challenging time, wise leaders and organizations are embracing a leadership model that helps people support each other, rather than relying on individuals to shoulder a […]

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Effective Controllers Know When to Push Back

By on Friday, December 4, 2020

The controller role is as complex as it gets. Controllers need to consolidate data from multiple sources to essentially predict the future. They then use those forecasts to make decisions that can have long term consequences for the organization. They do this within the constraints of regulations and laws, among other factors. Given the complexity […]

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In Corporate Communications, Empathy and Persuasiveness Matter

By on Friday, November 20, 2020

MRG recently conducted a best practices study of Communications and Corporate Affairs Leaders. This group of leaders is responsible for developing messaging that incorporates the goals and values of an organization, all while addressing it to multiple types of stakeholders. Corporate communications are often designed to influence the perceptions of an organization and have a […]

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