Tag: 360 assessments

What are the most effective leaders in Higher Education doing differently?

By on Wednesday, April 24, 2019

If we were to believe most TV shows and movies, we would think that to be successful in higher education, one needs a high degree of arrogance, self-importance, and even a tendency to isolate oneself. However, our findings on the behaviors associated with effectiveness in higher education leaders paint a very different picture. The more […]

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The Higher the Climb, the Bigger the Stretch: How Effective Leadership Changes as Leaders Ascend

By on Sunday, January 13, 2019

We’ve all heard some version of the Peter Principle: that in a hierarchical organization, every employee will rise to the level of their respective incompetence. It assumes that employees possessing the skills need to excel in a given position will be promoted to the next “rung” on the corporate ladder, which will require different skills; […]

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What Successful Tech Leaders Put First

By on Sunday, January 6, 2019

When we looked at the behaviors that impact leadership effectiveness in the technology industry, one behavior was the clear winner. Behaving strategically was almost three times as important for predicting effectiveness as the next behavior set.  It was even more important than maintaining in-depth and up-to-date specialized knowledge – something we tend to associate with […]

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Inspired to Run Faster: Reflections on the Global Assessment Summit

By on Thursday, December 6, 2018

We all run faster during a 5k race than when we’re jogging around the block on our own. Why is that? Well, having to run alongside other people provides a healthy dose of competitive energy. I recently attended the Global Assessment Summit in Tulsa and, while I enjoyed the camaraderie, sharing of ideas and overall […]

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From Potential to Performance: Best Practices for High Potential Leaders

By on Monday, September 10, 2018

Just about anyone wants to be considered a high potential employee. Being designated as high potential is more than just a compliment; HiPos are treated favorably through exclusive developmental opportunities, granted exposure not afforded to others, and are promoted faster. The desire for high potential status may be certain, but that’s often where the certainty […]

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