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Webinar Wrap-Up: Research Roundup

…We combine those competency measures with neutral behavioral perceptions. We believe that by combining these two types of measures we can provide participants with both a realistic view of how…

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The Courage to Choose Simplicity

…choose simplicity, to make the choice for simplicity over the complex and the many. Many have written about the wisdom of simplicity. Isaac Newton famously said, “Truth is ever to…

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Webinar Wrap-Up: Coaching for Confidence

…that they are more competent. They may experience more social success, and be given more control, power, and opportunities to lead. Moreover, the benefits of confidence persist – people continue…

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Why measure motivation?

…to see yourself reflected, the impact really comes from what a person DOES with that knowledge, and how it influences the decisions they make. In my experience, when people are…

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Welcome to the WCC Project

…26: Courage in Practice – an interview with Feena May from ICRC November 19: Compassion Explored December 8: Compassion in Practice – an interview with Sarah Cox from L.L. Bean…

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